Results for 'Eli M. Oboler'

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  1. Eli M. Oboler Memorial Award ALA's Intellectual Freedom Round Table.Martha Cornog - 1992 - Journal of Information Ethics 1.
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  2. Instinct, entendement, raison: la référence à l'animal chez Locke, Hume et Schopenhauer.M. Elie - 1994 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 75:11-26.
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    I got to Kansas City on a Thursday, by Friday...Eli M. Bower - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (3):381.
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    Is Cable Television a Natural Monopoly?Eli M. Noam - 1983 - Communications 9 (2-3):241-260.
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  5. Charcoal in the soils and paleofires in distinct regions of Brazil.Susy Eli M. Gouveia - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Automaticity of lexical access in deaf and hearing bilinguals: Cross-linguistic evidence from the color Stroop task across five languages.Rain G. Bosworth, Eli M. Binder, Sarah C. Tyler & Jill P. Morford - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104659.
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    On Constitutional Processes and the Delegation of Power, with Special Emphasis on Israel and Central and Eastern Europe.Stefan Voigt & Eli M. Salzberger - 2002 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 3 (1).
    Elected politicians—legislators and, in some systems, members of the executive—can choose to exercise authority themselves or to delegate that authority to any number of agencies. Such delegation of power can occur at the constitutional stage, but is most common at the post-constitutional stage. Two categories of delegation can be distinguished: domestic delegation to agencies within the legislators’ jurisdiction, and international delegation to supranational or international bodies. While some research has been done on domestic delegation, especially in the context of delegation (...)
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    Séance du 8 Avril 1933. DEFENSE ET ILLUSTRATION DE LA MACHINE.Elie Faure, Maurice Blondel, Jean Rimaud, M. Bourgarel, M. Abauzit, Mlle Anziani, M. Urtin, M. Cornil & M. Janot - 1933 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3/4):121 - 126.
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    Ketamine Enhanced Psychotherapy: Preliminary Clinical Observations on its Effectiveness in Treating Death Anxiety.Eli Kolp, M. Young, Harris Friedman, Evgeny Krupitsky & Karl Jansen - 2007 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 26 (1):1-17.
    Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic commonly used by US physicians, has recently been shown to be a powerful anti-depressant and is also capable of eliciting transpersonal experiences that can be transformative. Although currently approved in the US only for use as an anesthetic, physicians there can legally prescribe it off-label to treat various psychological/ psychiatric problems and it has been used for these non-anesthetic purposes in Argentina, Iran, Mexico, Russia, and the UK, as well as in the US. The literature on (...)
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  10. Interpreting the Infinitesimal Mathematics of Leibniz and Euler.Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely, Valérie Henry, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, Patrick Reeder, David M. Schaps, David Sherry & Steven Shnider - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):195-238.
    We apply Benacerraf’s distinction between mathematical ontology and mathematical practice to examine contrasting interpretations of infinitesimal mathematics of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, in the work of Bos, Ferraro, Laugwitz, and others. We detect Weierstrass’s ghost behind some of the received historiography on Euler’s infinitesimal mathematics, as when Ferraro proposes to understand Euler in terms of a Weierstrassian notion of limit and Fraser declares classical analysis to be a “primary point of reference for understanding the eighteenth-century theories.” Meanwhile, scholars like (...)
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    Melekhet ha-shipuṭ: yofi, śegev ṿe-takhlitiyut ba-Biḳoret koaḥ ha-shipuṭ shel Ḳanṭ.Yaron M. Senderowicz, Eli Friedlander & Immanuel Kant (eds.) - 1999 - [Tel Aviv]: Mifʻalim universiṭaʼiyim.
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    Transactive goal dynamics.Gráinne M. Fitzsimons, Eli J. Finkel & Michelle R. vanDellen - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (4):648-673.
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    Philosophy and Politics.Dafydd Elis Thomas & G. M. K. Hunt - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):255.
    This 1990 collection explores one recurrent theme connecting philosophy and politics: the relation between the nature of man and the structure of society. It does so by concentrating on the topical issue of the market economy as an attempt to resolve the clash between individual autonomy and collective action. Beginning with a historical and personal recollection by Enoch Powell and a response by Robert Skidelsky, the volume then provides a forum for political theorists and philosophers to take issue on the (...)
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  14. Sefer Pele yoʻets: ʻetsah ṭovah ḳ.m.l. Rabi..Eliʻezer Papo - 2021 - [Monsey, N.Y.?]: Hotsaʼat 'Shaʻar ha-Torah'.
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    Axel Hägerström and modern social thought.Sven Eliæson, Patricia Mindus & Stephen P. Turner (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford: Bardwell Press.
    Axel Hägerström is one of the fairly few, if not the only, Swedish philosophers of international significance— yet, he remains in many ways unknown. A major contribution is his theory on the nature of norms and values, which came to be known as value-nihilism, celebrated by some and vehemently rejected by others: Hägerström was the first who formulated a noncognitivist moral theory and debate still continues about the exact significance, scope and implications of this theory. Together with Adolf Phalén, he (...)
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    Dix thèses sur la guerre.Élie Barnavi - 2014 - [Paris]: Flammarion.
    Dix thèses de débat sur un sujet éternel. Le regard d'un historien doublé de celui d'un citoyen-soldat : "La guerre a accompagné toute ma vie, elle a pénétré ma façon de m'exprimer et de penser.".
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    Thorndike-lorge frequency and M of stimuli as separate factors in paired-associates learning.Eli Saltz - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (3):473.
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    Book Review: Hard Work Is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace by Katrinell M. Davis. [REVIEW]Eli R. Wilson - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (6):862-864.
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    Response meaningfulness in paired associates: T-l frequency, m, and number of meanings (dm).Eli Saltz & Vito Modigliani - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (3):313.
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    Métaphysique et induction.Elie Zahar - 2007 - Philosophia Scientiae 11 (1):45-69.
    Nous présupposons le critère de démarcation de Popper d’après lequel un énoncé M est dit métaphysique s’il est empiriquement irréfutable. M sera qualifié de synthétique a priori si, de surcroît, il ne peut pas être expérimentalement vérifié. Nous démontrerons que le principe d’induction physique J* est synthétique a priori, J* étant défini — en gros — comme le principe suivant : toute théorie H qui est à la fois non-adhoc et empiriquement corroborée dans un domaine Δ courra, à l’avenir, moins (...)
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    Studies in the Tattvopaplavasi $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{m}$$ ha.Eli Franco - 1983 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 11 (2):147-166.
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  22. Studies in the tattvopaplavasi $\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{m}$}}{m} " />ha. [REVIEW]Eli Franco - 1983 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 11 (2).
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    Total Quality Management: the Ethical Qualities of T.Q.M.Ely A. Dorsey - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (2):71-73.
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    (1 other version)To infinity and beyond: a cultural history of the infinite.Eli Maor - 1987 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Edited by Ian Stewart.
    Eli Maor examines the role of infinity in mathematics and geometry and its cultural impact on the arts and sciences. He evokes the profound intellectual impact the infinite has exercised on the human mind--from the "horror infiniti" of the Greeks to the works of M. C. Escher from the ornamental designs of the Moslems, to the sage Giordano Bruno, whose belief in an infinite universe led to his death at the hands of the Inquisition. But above all, the book describes (...)
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    Efeito de manipueira sobre Meloidogyne incognita em ensaios in vitro e em tomateiros em casa de vegetação.Érica G. C. Nasu, Ely Pires, Heloísa M. Formentini & Cleber Furlanetto - 2010 - Tropical Plant Pathology 35 (1).
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  26. Ḳunṭres Noheg ka-tson Yosef: ṿe-hu igeret ha-musar ṿeha-yirʼah le-r. ha-m.... ule-mashgiḥe ha-kashrut..Yitsḥaḳ Eliʻezer Yaḳov (ed.) - 2003 - Y-m [z.o. Yerushalayim]: Mekhon Tevuʼot shor.
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    Improving oncology first-in-human and Window of opportunity informed consent forms through participant feedback.Rebecca D. Pentz, R. Donald Harvey, Margie Dixon, Shannon Blee, Tekiah McClary, John Bourgeois, Eli Abernethy, Gavin Campbell, Hannah Claire Sibold & Anna M. Avinger - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundAlthough patient advocates have developed templates for standard consent forms, evaluating patient preferences for first in human (FIH) and window of opportunity (Window) trial consent forms is critical due to their unique risks. FIH trials are the initial use of a novel compound in study participants. In contrast, Window trials give an investigational agent over a fixed duration to treatment naïve patients in the time between diagnosis and standard of care (SOC) surgery. Our goal was to determine the patient-preferred presentation (...)
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    Reply to Commentators.Eli Hirsch - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (1):223-234.
    I would expect many readers of my book to want to agree with either Mark Heller or Alan Sidelle. The very idea of “rational constraints on lexicons” will immediately suggest to many people that either the constraints are of a purely pragmatic nature or there really are no such constraints. I can take some cold comfort in the fact that many philosophers will join me in rejecting, and many others will join me in rejecting, but since I have nothing to (...)
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    Evaluation of a model relating Thorndike-Lorge frequency and m to learning.Vito Modigliani & Eli Saltz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):584.
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    C'hız ve Antikite: Yunan Zoolojisinin Alımlanışı.Veysel Eliş - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):183-211.
    Mu‘tezilî düşünür Amr b. Bahr el-Câhız’ın (ö. 255/869) tercüme faaliyetleri sonucu Antikite (Antik Çağ) Yunanca metinlerden yaptığı aktarımlar canlılar hakkındaki fikirlerini etkilemiştir. Böylece Yunan zoolojisinde ortaya koyulan görüşlere Kitâbü’l-Hayevân eserinde geniş bir şekilde yer vermiştir. Ayrıca diğer eserlerinde az da olsa Yunan düşünürlerin hayvanlar hakkındaki görüşleri mevcuttur. Ancak Yunan zoolojisinden tevarüs eden birikimin Câhız’ın Kitâbü’l-Hayevân eseri olmak üzere hangi bağlamda ve ne düzeyde alımlandığı tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Alımlanan bilgilerin Câhız’ı ne kadar etkilediği ve doğrudan mı yoksa kendi ilmî birikiminin süzgecinden (...)
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    Francis Vian, Élie Battegay: Lexique de Quintus de Smyrne. Pp. 498. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1984. Paper, 930 frs.M. L. West - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (2):310-310.
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    Eli Hirsch , Quantifier Variance and Realism: Essays in Metaontology . Reviewed by. [REVIEW]J. T. M. Miller - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (6):464-467.
    A review of Eli Hirsch, Quantifier Variance and Realism: Essays in Metaontology, Oxford University Press, 2011.
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  33. Turing-, human- and physical computability: An unasked question. [REVIEW]Eli Dresner - 2008 - Minds and Machines 18 (3):349-355.
    In recent years it has been convincingly argued that the Church-Turing thesis concerns the bounds of human computability: The thesis was presented and justified as formally delineating the class of functions that can be computed by a human carrying out an algorithm. Thus the Thesis needs to be distinguished from the so-called Physical Church-Turing thesis, according to which all physically computable functions are Turing computable. The latter is often claimed to be false, or, if true, contingently so. On all accounts, (...)
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    La danse et les déconstructions contemporaines du corps.Michel-Elie Martin - 2018 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 68 (1):61-71.
    La danse contemporaine ne cesse d’interroger le corps dans sa prétendue unité et identité substantielle, organique, mécanique et signifiante. Elle déconstruit les conceptions et les gestions du corps. Par cela elle révèle les dimensions et les puissances ignorées du corps. Nous proposons, en nous appuyant sur les travaux fondateurs de M. Bernard, de suivre une ligne conceptuelle des déconstructions du corps susceptible d’éclairer les projets esthétiques de certains chorégraphes contemporains.
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    PAUSANIAS IN ELIS M. Casevitz, J. Pouilloux, A. Jacquemin (edd.): Pausanias: Description de la Grèce, livre V: L'Élide (I). (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé). Pp. xxxvii + 279, 3 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1999. Cased. ISBN: 2-251-00473-. [REVIEW]Maria Pretzler - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (02):430-.
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    PAUSANIAS ON ELIS M. Casevitz, J. Pouilloux, A. Jacquemin (edd.): Pausanias: Description de la Grèce. Tome VI. Livre VI. L'Élide (II) . (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé.) Pp. xxxix + 337, map, plan. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2002. Paper, €50. ISBN: 2-251-00501-. [REVIEW]Jason König - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):340-.
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    Alfred North Whitehead, Procès et réalité. Essai de cosmologie. Traduit de l'anglais par D. Charles, M. Elie, M. Fuchs, J.-L. Gautero, D. Janicaud, R. Sasso, A. Villani. [REVIEW]Bertrand Bouckaert - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (3):447-449.
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    The formation and stability of marriage in fourteenth-century England: evidence of an Ely register.Michael M. Sheehan - 1971 - Mediaeval Studies 33 (1):228-263.
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    Pragmatism and Social Hope: Deepening Democracy in Global Contexts.Judith M. Green - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Since 9/11, citizens of all nations have been searching for a democratic public philosophy that provides practical and inspiring answers to the problems of the twenty-first century. Drawing on the wisdom of past and present pragmatist thinkers, Judith M. Green maps a contemporary form of citizenship that emphasizes participation and cooperation and reclaims the critical role of social movements and nongovernmental organizations. Starting with empowering processes of storytelling, truth and reconciliation, and collaborative vision-questing that allow individuals to give voice and (...)
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    The Concept of Identity by Eli Hirsch. [REVIEW]Richard M. Gale - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):247-253.
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  41. Can an Ontological Pluralist Really be a Realist?J. T. M. Miller - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (3):425-430.
    This article examines whether it is possible to uphold one form of deflationism towards metaphysics, ontological pluralism, whilst maintaining metaphysical realism. The focus therefore is on one prominent deflationist who fits the definition of an ontological pluralist, Eli Hirsch, and his self-ascription as a realist. The article argues that ontological pluralism is not amenable to the ascription of realism under some basic intuitions as to what a “realist” position is committed to. These basic intuitions include a commitment to more than (...)
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    Review of Pyrrhonism: How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism, by Adrian Kuzminski. [REVIEW]M. Jason Reddoch - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (3):424-427.
    Pyrrhonism: How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism, by Adrian Kuzminski, is a short monograph of four chapters in which the author argues that Pyrrho of Elis (ca. 365–270 b.c.e.) developed his form of skepticism after coming into contact with Indian philosophers on his journey with Alexander the Great. Although the subtitle suggests that the primary focus of the study will be to develop this argument for historical diffusion, the book is more of an apology for Pyrrhonism, which Kuzminski thinks can (...)
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    Lessons from a BACE1 inhibitor trial: off-site but not off base.D. K. Lahiri, B. Maloney, J. M. Long & N. H. Greig - 2014 - Alzheimers Dement 10:S411-9.
    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by formation of neuritic plaque primarily composed of a small filamentous protein called amyloid-beta peptide . The rate-limiting step in the production of Abeta is the processing of Abeta precursor protein by beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme . Hence, BACE1 activity plausibly plays a rate-limiting role in the generation of potentially toxic Abeta within brain and the development of AD, thereby making it an interesting drug target. A phase II trial of the promising LY2886721 inhibitor of BACE1 was (...)
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  44. Le libéralisme, l’utilitarisme et l’économie politique classique dans l’interprétation d’Élie Halévy.Philippe Mongin - 1990 - la Revue du M.A.U.S.S 10:135-169.
    Élie HALÉVY (1870-1937), philosophe et historien des idées, fut professeur à l'École libre des sciences politiques, l'ancêtre de l'actuel Sciences Po. Comme son autre grand ouvrage, l'Histoire du peuple anglais au XIXe siècle, paru en six tomes de 1913 à 1932, les trois tomes de La formation du radicalisme philosophique, parus en 1901 pour les deux premiers et en 1904 pour le troisième, reflètent pour partie ses enseignements de l'Ecole libre consacrés à l'histoire britannique. Le premier tome, La jeunesse de (...)
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    Richard T. Ely, the German historical school of economics, and the “socio-teleological” aspiration of the new deal planners.Tiffany Jones Miller - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):52-84.
    Richard T. Ely was one of the most important architects of the administrative welfare state in the United States. His astonishingly influential career was the product of a fundamental re-thinking of the origin and nature of the state. Repudiating the social compact theory of the American founding in favor of a self-consciously “new,” “German,” and frankly “social” conception of the state ordered toward the realization of a collective vision of human perfection, Ely conceived the task of social reform as extending (...)
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    Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University by Matt Brim, and: Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure by Eli Clare, and: Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness by M. Remi Yergeau.Alison Parks - 2021 - Philosophia 11 (1-2):250-257.
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    John Maynard Keynes and The Royal Swedish Academy.Rogério Arthmar & Michael McLure - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (5):605-622.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines John M. Keynes’s relationship with Gustav Cassel and Eli Hecksher and puts together the events related to his being awarded the 1939 Söderström Gold Medal by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The correspondence between these economists during the interwar years is detailed, with emphasis on their personal approaches to economic theory and history. Cassel’s and Heckscher’s critical reviews of Keynes’s General Theory are outlined as well. Lastly, an account is provided of the grounds for conferring the (...)
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  48. Normal Knowledge: Toward an Explanation-Based Theory of Knowledge.Andrew Peet & Eli Pitcovski - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (3):141-157.
    In this paper we argue that knowledge is characteristically safe true belief. We argue that an adequate approach to epistemic luck must not be indexed to methods of belief formation, but rather to explanations for belief. This shift is problematic for several prominent approaches to the theory of knowledge, including virtue reliabilism and proper functionalism (as normally conceived). The view that knowledge is characteristically safe true belief is better able to accommodate the shift in question.
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  49. ICoME and the legitimacy of professional self-regulation.Afsheen Mansoori & Eli Garrett Schantz - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):173-174.
    After an intensive 4-year process, the World Medical Association (WMA) has revised its International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME). In their report outlining this process, Parsa-Parsi et al not only describe how the WMA sought to ‘cultivat[e] international agreement’ on a ‘global medical ethos’, but also outline the philosophical framework of the ICoME: how the WMA, as the ‘global representation of the medical profession’, created and revised the ICoME through the process of international professional self-regulation.1 However, there is a significant (...)
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    A precarious happiness: Adorno and the sources of normativity.Peter Eli Gordon - 2024 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Readers of Theodor Adorno often have understood him as a "totalizing negativist." If it truly is the case that Adorno saw modern society as a realm of complete falsehood, however, his own social theory is unintelligible. In A Precarious Happiness, Peter E. Gordon aims to redeem Adorno from this negativist interpretation by showing that it arises from a basic misunderstanding of his work. Pushing against entrenched interpretations, Gordon argues that Adorno's philosophy is animated by a deep attachment to a concept (...)
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